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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Kucinich Isn't Controlled by Wall Street's, Insurance's or Weapons' Money$

Dennis Kucinich is the Democrat's Democrat. He's the only candidate who opposed the war in Congress and gave the members of Congress his arguments why it was wrong. He's been proven 100% correct. He's the only candidate who had the foresight and analytical ability to explain the situation and stick to it. (Obama said he opposed the war but after being elected he then voted for every bill funding the war until recently.) He's the only candidate in office who has not been bought by Wall Street and other big business interests. He's the only candidate who has presented an actual bill into Congress for a practical exit strategy out of Iraq -- HR 1234. He's the only candidate who has supported HR 676 medicare for all. He's the only candidate who supports impeachment and has introduced a bill to impeach Cheney. He's the only candidate who voted against the Patriot Act.

After pointing out that neither Clinton, Obama, and Edwards would commit to leaving Iraq before 2013, Kucinich says,
"Think about the Democratic nominee standing next to the Republican nominee for the November 2008 election. What happens if the Democrats choose someone who was for the war, who voted to fund the war, and who has taken positions that, say, of Iran "all options are on the table" -- where's the debate?"

[Since that debate, Edwards has backtracked and now says he wants to pull out all the "combat" troops within 9 to 10 months, but he wants to keep a 5,000 soldier brigade in Iraq to "protect the embassy" and prevent civil war, which is really just an invitation to more troops being brought back in to protect those troops.]

Kucinich is the only candidate in office who has the guts to say that we went to war for "OIL".

Check out this 23 minute interview with Paul Krugman on The Young Turks. At 14:00 Krugman says his answer to the budget problem is health care reform. Then host Cenk Uygur asks, "What kind of health care reform do you envision that would work to fix that problem?" Krugman says, "Ideally, Medicare for all." What is weird is that Krugman doesn't give recognition to HR 676 the Conyers-Kucinich bill that would establish Medicare For All.

And later at the end Uygur asks which president Krugman would pick and Krugman says "Not allowed, Times rules." referring to the policy of the NY Times where he is a columnist. But then he adds, "I'm a progressive. John Edwards has been pushing the progressive cause. All of the other leading Democrats, Hillary has been matching him with a lag." It is a sad commentary that Krugman plays the front runner game and again fails to mention that Kucinich is the progressive who advocates Medicare For All which is the fix that Krugman says is needed as well as the other real progressive issues. This is the problem that Democracy has when the candidate with the plans that people like Krugman actually advocate gets ignored for a candidate like Edwards who has the front runner glamore but doesn't have the actual progressive health care plan that Krugman supports.

Here's Kucinich's appearance at the SEIU Candidates' Healthcare Forum in Las Vegas where Kucinich makes all the same points that Krugman makes about why Medicare For All is the fix for health care reform.

Kucinich says in no uncertain terms that the for-profit insurance companies should be taken out of the health care equation. He says,
Today at this forum, the sub-message is that you can't break the hold that the insurance companies have. Not a single candidate up here has challenged the underlying problem with our health care system. And that is insurance companies are holding our health care system hostage and forcing millions of Americans into poverty with unconscionable premiums, co-pays, and deductibles. [Applause] So I ask you, is it consonant with America's greatness that candidates step away from the one solution that could change it all -- a not for profit health care system is not only possible but HR 676 a bill that I've introduced in a number of Congresses, the Conyers-Kuciinich Bill, actually establishes Medicare For All, a single-payer system and its a not for profit system. It's time we ended this thought that health care is a privilege, it is a basic right. And its time we ended the control that insurance companies have not only over health care, but over our political system.

This is exactly what Krugman as an economist is saying is needed, but while Edwards, Obama, and Clinton continue to play footsie with the insurance companies and to put forward health care plans that attempt to let the insurance companies continue their profits, only Kucinich has put forward a nuts and bolts plan to remove the insurance companies from setting health care costs and availability.

It is time to wake up and be proud of and to support the Democrat who is advocating the real reforms necessary to make this a nation of the people, by the people and for the people, and not a nation for the big business interests who are paying for Obama's, Edwards', and Clinton's campaigns.

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